Jamaica's Tastiest Patty!

Whilst on the subject of Patties, I am still considering this idea of which is the tastiest Patty in Jamaica? Since my initial post in the feature "Gourmet for JA$100 Part 5" in April 2018 where I first mentioned the idea of a competition or an award for this culinary masterpiece, that is so synonymous with Jamaican Cuisine.  I am still pondering the idea of the concept of a "Jamaican Tastiest Patty Award" to celebrate this well loved Jamaican savory delicacy. 

Obviously at this time the events industry has suffered tremendously due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Making curating; producing and even planning events not really possible due to the restrictions that have been placed on us socially.  With the exception of virtual, online, social media events, that are now far more popular in the digital age and more vital as a means of socializing due to the restrictions placed on us currently. 

Perhaps when this Covid19 virus is finally swept away and we are beyond the recovery point we can again look at new, interesting and exciting events such as these. Where the actual sampling, tasting and sharing of the pastries will be a vital part of the experience and also the final Judging of who would be deemed to be worthy of the title of Jamaica's Tastiest Patty.

In the meantime Tastee patties has of course branded themselves by default the tastiest patty in Jamaica since 1966, Juici beef also one of the largest manufacturers of the tasty pastries in Jamaica, with head office location based outside of the capital city in Clarendon and launched in 1981, with Mother's hot on their heels, launched later in 1981 and now taking possibly a larger share of the market in terms of the number of locations in Kingston and island wide. 

Mother's patties offer some of the largest variety and most innovative fillings of all of the main producers. And could possibly even be a major contender for this title of "Jamaica's tastiest Patty"!

On a recent visit to one of their newest locations in Fairview, Montego bay, I was pleasantly enthused with their visual display detailing the History of their Patty innovations;

One of the tastiest innovations that I enjoyed has to be their Curry Goat patty, that really was a nice treat and very "moreish" or more-itious" as I would say.. Only a shame that it was available for a limited time only and is no longer on their menu!

All three main suppliers have some delicious varieties of patty ranging from the Shrimp (and Lobster) patties at Juici, to the Jerk Chicken patties exclusively sold at Tastee, but Mother's does seem to have the most consistently unique patty offerings. As for some reason Juici beef often doesn't have any of their innovative range available especially the most delicious Ackee patties that for some reason are hardly ever available!

There are also many smaller bakeries and pastry producers that create some really high quality contenders that may not be as popular or produce as many in number, but perhaps their product maybe more tasty even as its baked in smaller batches and not mass-produced. Its possible that given the opportunity to compete with the commercial brands that they maybe even judged to provide a more tasty culinary treat for us to celebrate!

Some of the best small suppliers I have tried thus far are Stanley's patties in Montego Bay, Lecky's Bakery in Rollington town, Kingston; and Better Bite Bakery on Deanery Road also in Kingston. However I cannot write about tasty patties and not make mention of the prestigious "Brick Oven" nestled amongst the historic grounds of the famous Devon House in Kingston, where Lobster patty especially can be experienced at its finest!

Watch this space in the future for updates after Covid19 on the possible launch of the Official Jamaican Tastiest Patty Awards... I'm certain it could be a wholesome, family-centered, fun, enjoyable and most definitely tasty event that the whole nation can enjoy and look forward to if successfully hosted on an annual basis.  

IF anyone is at all interested in getting involved with this idea, or event or anything else that involves Creative Consultancy, Production or Media, Arts & Entertainment (MAE) services in general please contact me at MsAMediaE@gmail.com all positive contributors are appreciated. 


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