Porridge Love it or Hate it?!

Cornmeal Porridge varieties

Porridge LOVE it or HATE it - I do really love a good cup or bowl of Porridge - especially when I havn't been eating on time and need something to prepare my stomach in the morning or anytime of day. Porridge can be prepared in a number of different ways using various grains as a base, most common varieties include of course oats, which is a household staple worldwide. Along with Cornmeal, our own household staple in Jamaica and other places in the Caribbean and Africa as well. We make porridge with almost anything here, some of my favorites are Plantain, Banana and even the simple Cornmeal, with the right ingredients. Still I don't think there is another nation in the world that knows how to boil porridge quite like we do! In my humble opinion, still I DO love to eat porridge, providing its tasty and well looked after and it helps if its been lovingly prepared.

I used to stop almost every morning at my favourite cookshop at a place called "Big Gate" in Stewart Town, St Mary. The owner Harry cooked some of the best peanut Porridge everyday, with ingredients including Peanut, Cornmeal, Coconut, Okra, Carrot, Banana and all sorts of good spice boiled into a nutritious, protein packed meal in one. It was some of the best Peanut Porridge I ever tasted in my life!

My own homemade blend of Peanut and Green Banana Porridge

Basic recipe:

Green Banana - Peeled and Grated or blended
Peanut - washed and blended to a paste
Milk - Coconut milk preferred or Lasco, Dairy or Soya Alternative
Sugar to sweeten
Nutmeg, +/or Cinammon, All Spice
Vanilla Essence
Pinch of Salt

Let me know if you like this recipe and if you would like to know the cooking instructions/ preparation method
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