RICE n PEAS is it not for SUNDAY??!

Everyone in Jamaica loves the traditional Rice n Peas on Sunday, with the grated coconut sweet and savoury cooked down with the perfect red peas. Or my personal preference cow peas, which are richer and sweeter than the original peas, usually popular at Christmas time along with gungu and then steamed with rice to perfection. Even in other parts of the Caribbean where sometimes black eye peas are preferred and the dish name is turned around to Peas an' Rice, its still a household favourite on Sunday along with Meat or Fish prepared to accompany the starch, vegetables and Macaroni pie or Macaroni and Cheese that many Caribbean people habitually consume.

Still I have noticed in Jamaica that the traditional Rice n Peas has become such a staple that it is no longer served as a speciality on Sunday but its available everyday in most restaurants and fast food chains across the island. Which means that like most things that are routinely done everyday somehow the magic of this recipe seems to have been lost or watered down at least in the commercialisation of the dish and the results of catering to large numbers of people and meeting the timely demand of hungry customers.

I personally still prefer the provision of food recipes that require a little more time and effort but manage to maintain the authentic taste whilst still catering to the demands of the patrons. There is no blender and stove that can compare to the traditional grated coconut steamed rice and peas made on a wood fire, preferably with pimento wood..

Still I wont advocate that Rice n Peas is only for Sunday but I do insist that it should be made properly, when there is time or not made at all... I recently bought a box of Chicken and Rice n Peas in Ocho Rios and if it was not for the fact that I was really, really hungry I would have taken it back! The Rice and Peas were burnt and this is one particular thing that I detest. I would never in my wildest dreams think to serve a paying customer burnt rice! I think that is a total insult and I am disgusted that this kitchen would even consider selling burnt rice, which everyone knows tastes awful, to their customers. I wont mention the name of the restaurant, on this occasion, but honestly I dont think a kitchen business should be allowed to operate if there is no care given to the preparation of the food. If the food does not maintain a certain standard it should not be sold, in order to maintain the integrity of the business, but also to protect the image of Jamaican culture and pride in our world reknowned culinary standards and reputation for maintaing hygiene etc. If food is not fit for consumption or does not meet a minimum standard it should not be sold! We cannot consider only making a sale or the profit of one sale if its not beneficial to the business overall.

I dont think its necessary to serve Rice and Peas everyday. I think its good to encourage persons to try new things or to think about things differently at times, after all everyday cannot be the same. So its not realistic to expect to get the same result everyday.  I personally prefer to make pumpkin rice or seasoned rice or even mixed vegetable rice when I have less time. After all variety is the spice of life..!


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